Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Hiya folks,

There is recent news that the protest has affected congress, even if only a little! 79 Congress-people have signed onto a letter that says they will NOT vote for funding the Iraq War anymore! Check out for more information.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Protest and Die-In, People!

Hiya folks,

Today was the Anti-War Protest in Washington D.C. The festivities began by the two A.N.S.W.E.R. coordinators coming onto our bus and giving a little talk on what was going to happen. Then, "Joe" and I went to take a piss in the MASSIVE port-o-johns at the drop-off point for the buses. They didn't smell good, but they definitely LOOKED good.

So, we walked down to the beginning of the rally site, in Lafayette Park in front of Casa Blanca (The Whitehouse). There were so many speakers it was almost ridiculous! Among the speakers were a few greats like:

Cindy Sheehan
Malik Rahim
Ralph Nader (who got many "BULLSHIT!"'s)
Ramsey Clark
Etan Thomas, and
Rev. Lennox Yearwood

I especially enjoyed the Reverend's speech. He was EXTREMELY charismatic. And after the recent BEATDOWN in front of America during General Betray Us's report, his message was especially important!

The greatest part, though, was when a guy came up to the stage. He basically just interrupted the speakers, and said, "I am a conservative." And the mic was shut off. Of course, the true protestors started shouting, "Let him speak!" Then he continued to say, for only a short minute, that, "Sometimes war is necessary!" And he got 'boo'ed off the stage.

Near the end of the speeches, "Joe" and I just decided to start marching with the other protestors who were 'tired' of the speakers being long-winded.

The gathering was just amazing! Tens of thousands of people marching from the Whitehouse to the Capitol building! Chants like "TROOPS OUT NOW," and people singing "Give Peace A Chance," was something I would never forget. But another thing I would never forget were the counter-protestors. The Rolling Thunder, and The Gathering of Eagles had a very SHORT section with loud-mouthed suckers yelling at the HUGE crowds of people marching against the war. I guess its hard to find counter-protestors when a majority of the country is opposed to the occupation.

When we finally reached the Capitol building, after TAKING OVER Pennsylvania Ave, that is when the Die-In started. Police in riot gear were mounted on the steps of the building. A majority of the protestors participated in the Die-In, including myself. This represented the 4000 Iraq Vets killed in the Iraq War...nevermind the 1 million 'excess' deaths. So, people started lying down on the streets, on the lawn, and anywhere you could see. Fortunately, the Policia weren't coming after us! I lied down for a few minutes to remember the fallen soldiers, and innocent Iraqis tortured and dead from this useless mockery of a war.

And that concluded the events for the day. We rode back from...all sleeping from the long day's activities.

But...the buck doesn't stop here. Write to your congressmen...Nancy Pelosi especially! Its time for the bullshit to stop!

Congress...we're watching.

Remember November?

From Rob, With Love.

Photos will be posted soon.

The Generation Gap Isn't Just Generational

I'm feeling a bit reluctant to write this this evening, as I feel a bit worn down from the activities. was the protest in Washington D.C. I rode down with the Lancaster Coalition for Peace and Justice. There was a young reporter on the bus from the Sunday paper in Lancaster. He was a real gentleman. I can see he's going places.

In either case, I had a good conversation with who I'll name "Joe" for privacy purposes. We got to the topic of the Generational Gap that causes so much strife between older and younger people. In the time when our parents, and in most cases our parents' parents, they had the impression that the News was news, and the government never lied to them. Everything was perfect, because the country was founded on God.

In this generation, now that we've uncovered the lies of the Vietnam War, and now the Iraq War...we're not so blind. Most kids go to college now, and are taught Critical Thinking from the first week in school. This is so important to uncovering the truth in this day of Ignorance.

So, when the older generation sees the younger generation going out to protest all the BUSHIT that's going on now...they think we're going against what this country stands for. The problem is, they don't realize that 'what this country stands for,' is being threatened by the administration in office now, as well as MOST media outlets.

So, I don't blame them. I just blame the crappy education they got, and their laziness and unwillingness to go beyond Ignorance.

Soon will be my post about the protest today, on September 15th, 2007. I've got pictures, and some pretty good stories.

From Rob, With Love.

Monday, September 10, 2007

That's right government...laugh and point...Don't Stop, Don't Stop!

The monkeys grab their breasts and gesture at us while pointing at their private parts. We are afraid that they will sexually harass us." --- Lucy Njeri

In this week's issue of Newsweek (September 10th, 2007), I found an article on the touchscreen electronic voting machines. It brings up a, basically, unspoken of break in the new 'state of the art democratic technology!' The only thing I have to say, as well as many other bloggers worldwide, is "Isn't there something more accurate, more evidential, and more SECURE than these ballot-casting booths?"

Debra Bowen is California's Secretary of State. In an interview by Steven Levy, this brilliant and revealing line was captured..."Things were worse than I thought." She stated in the article that "vulnerabilities in election voting machines are so severe that voters have no way of knowing for sure that the choices they enter into the touchscreens and ballots will actually be counted." Hell, even print-out receipts for your choices at the polling booths have been proposed! But such an innovative idea as that could still be hacked into quite easily.

Today's date is September 10th, 2007. Election time is November 2008. We're getting a bit close to be able to change this BULGING PROBLEM. Every single day we're a bit closer to that time. Is there any hope? Come on Congress, isn't it time to do something?

Just a short little plug and blurb on the Anti-War March coming Saturday. Please don't miss this tremendous opportunity to get involved with the End The War movement. This is going to be a HISTORIC event. for more information.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

September 15th, 2007

Hello blog-runners!

I just want to let you all know about the Anti-War Protest March going on in Washington D.C. on Sept.15th, 2007. The march will be led by the Iraq War Vets, followed by their families, and protestors alike. The march will lead from the Whitehouse to the Capitol, and culminate in a massive Die-In, led by the IVAW.

For those who don't know what a Die-In is, here is a video of Jews for the Rebuilding of Lebanon and Gaza. This took place at Penn Station in New York. I'll try to post the video, but I'm new with this blog-editor. If it doesn't post, you can check out this link to YouTube.

So, please join me this weekend for the Anti-War rally. I can't wait to see you there!

For more information about the march, you can go to

Isn't it enough?

Isn't it enough that we've been drafted into the ideological thinking of the Neo-cons? The So-called "News" outlets such as Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and unfortunately now, the Wall Street Journal! This blog will be about the useless war in Iraq, and the coming war with Iran. It will be about random sitings of stupidity within the United States government. It will also be about little parts of my life that I just found important enough to put here. So, enjoy future postings. Don't let ignorance bite you in the ass, and pay attention! :-)